




constructor(router: Router, cacheService: ClientSideCacheService)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
router Router No
cacheService ClientSideCacheService No


Public allChildren
allChildren(structureGroups: any, url: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
structureGroups any No
url string No
Returns : any[]
Public allParents
allParents(structureGroups: any, url: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
structureGroups any No
url string No
Returns : any[]
Public allSiblings
allSiblings(structureGroups: any, url: string, includeSelf?: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
structureGroups any No
url string No
includeSelf boolean Yes
Returns : any[]
Public directParent
directParent(structureGroups: any, url: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
structureGroups any No
url string No
Returns : any[]
Public findSG
findSG(currentSG, url: string, excludeVisible?: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
currentSG No
url string No
excludeVisible boolean Yes
Returns : any
Public getLanguage
Returns : string
Public getParentUrl
getParentUrl(url: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
url string No
Returns : string
Public getPublicationId
Returns : string
Public getPublicationPath
Returns : string
Public getPublicationPathFromURL
getPublicationPathFromURL(url: string)

Return publication path from URL

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
url string No
Returns : string
Public hasMetadataSet
Parameters :
Name Optional
structureGroup No
Returns : boolean
Public isTopLevelSg
Parameters :
Name Optional
structureGroup No
Returns : boolean
Public isValidSg
isValidSg(navigationElement: any, excludeVisible?: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
navigationElement any No
excludeVisible boolean Yes
Returns : boolean
Public setLanguage
setLanguage(lang: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
lang string No
Returns : void
Public stripIndexPartOfUrl
stripIndexPartOfUrl(url: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
url string No
Returns : string


Private Readonly multilingualPublications
Type : string[]
Default value : []
Private publicationId
Type : string
Default value : ''
Private publicationPath
Type : string
Default value : ''
Public router
Type : Router
Private siteLanguage
Type : string
Default value : ''
Private Readonly urlSeparator
Type : string
Default value : '/'
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Router, ResolveStart } from '@angular/router';
import { ClientSideCacheService } from '../../client-side-cache/client-side-cache.service';

export class PublicationService {

	private readonly multilingualPublications: string[] = [];
	private readonly urlSeparator: string = '/';

	private siteLanguage = '';
	private publicationId = '';
	private publicationPath = '';

		public router: Router,
		private cacheService: ClientSideCacheService
	) {
		// Extract publication path and publication ID from URL. => {
			if (event instanceof ResolveStart) {
				// If urlAfterRedirects isn't the same as url, a redirect is made and we should use the urlAfterRedirects.
				const pubPath = (event.urlAfterRedirects === event.url) ? this.getPublicationPathFromURL(event.url) : this.getPublicationPathFromURL(event.urlAfterRedirects);
				// Fetch ID for publication only if publication changes.
				if (pubPath !== this.publicationPath) {
					this.publicationPath = pubPath;
					this.cacheService.getValue(`${pubPath}-pubId`, `content/api/publication?path=${pubPath}`)
						.toPromise().then(id => {
							if (id) {
								this.publicationId = id;

	public getPublicationPath(): string {
		return this.publicationPath;

	 * Return publication path from URL
	 * @param url
	public getPublicationPathFromURL(url: string): string {
		let pubPath = '';
		if (url != null && url !== this.urlSeparator) {
			// Check if it is multilingual publication
			for (const multilingualPublication of this.multilingualPublications) {
				if (url.startsWith(multilingualPublication)) {
					return multilingualPublication;

			const urlSplit = url.split(this.urlSeparator);
			if (urlSplit[0] !== '') {
				pubPath = this.urlSeparator + urlSplit[0];
			} else {
				pubPath = this.urlSeparator + urlSplit[1];
		return pubPath;

	public setLanguage(lang: string) {
		this.siteLanguage = lang;

	public getLanguage() {
		return this.siteLanguage;

	public getPublicationId() {
		return this.publicationId;

	// Return the SG that matches the url, undefined if it fails to find it
	// If looking for roles placed on a stucture group ( Ex Distibutor-hub ) send in true for 'excludeVisible'
	public findSG(currentSG, url: string, excludeVisible?: boolean): any {
		if (!url) { return undefined; }
		// Remove the index part since it is not present in the navigation json
		url = this.stripIndexPartOfUrl(url);
		if (url === currentSG.Url) { return currentSG; }

		const parts = url.split('/');
		// If first element is empty string remove it, this is needed since url starts with a '/'
		if (parts[0] === '') {
			parts.splice(0, 1);

		/* This loop find the structre group that matches the url by each intetartion finding the strucutre groups that match
			a longer and longer prefix.
			Example:  If parts is ["a", "b", "c", "d"] it first looks at /a/b and find that SG and assign it to currentSG, next iteration it
			will look for the a child SG in currentSG with the url /a/b/c. When it reaches the end of the url it will return that SG that matches the
			full url /a/b/c/d.

			It will also filter out all structure groups that do not contain and index page

			If it fails to find a matching SG on any level it will return undefined

			depth starts at two since we would otherwise try and find a SG that matches just /publication_path,
			that would always fail since the loop starts searchinh the nested SGs,
			we should instead start by looking  at /publication_path/product for example
		let depth = 2;
		// Url is to shorts. Would not pass loop condition
		if (!(depth <= parts.length)) {
			return undefined;
		for (; depth <= parts.length; depth++) {

			// Construct the url for the current depth
			const currentUrlParts = parts.slice(0, depth);
			const currentUrl = '/' + currentUrlParts.join('/');

			const nestedSgs = currentSG.Items || [];

			currentSG = nestedSgs.find(sg => this.isValidSg(sg, excludeVisible) && (this.isTopLevelSg(sg) || this.hasMetadataSet(sg)) && sg.Url === currentUrl);

			// If we end up with a non-valid SG break loop
			if (!currentSG) {
		return currentSG;


	public isValidSg(navigationElement: any, excludeVisible?: boolean): boolean {
		const hasIndexPage = navigationElement.Items.find(e => e.Type === 'Page' && e.Url === navigationElement.Url);
		return navigationElement.Type === 'StructureGroup' && !!hasIndexPage && (excludeVisible || navigationElement.Visible);

	public hasMetadataSet(structureGroup): boolean {
		return structureGroup.Metadata.inclPageInHierarchyCards === 'Yes';

	public isTopLevelSg(structureGroup): boolean {
		const urlParts = structureGroup.Url.split('/');

		// If first element is empty string remove it, this is needed if url starts with a '/'
		if (urlParts[0] === '') {
			urlParts.splice(0, 1);
		return urlParts.length <= 2;

	public stripIndexPartOfUrl(url: string): string {
		if (!url) { return ''; }

		const parts: string[] = url.split('/');
		if (parts[parts.length - 1] === 'index') {
		return parts.join('/');

	public getParentUrl(url: string): string {
		url = this.stripIndexPartOfUrl(url);
		const urlParts = url.split('/');
		const parentUrlParts = urlParts.slice(0, urlParts.length - 1);
		const parentUrl = parentUrlParts.join('/');
		return parentUrl;

	public allChildren(structureGroups: any, url: string): any[] {
		const Sg = this.findSG(structureGroups, url);
		let children = [];
		if (Sg) {
			children = Sg.Items.filter(sg => this.isValidSg(sg) && this.hasMetadataSet(sg));
		return children;

	public allSiblings(structureGroups: any, url: string, includeSelf?: boolean): any[] {
		/*  Check if the passed in Sg matches the given url,
			this is mainly in the case a url in the form of '/a' since
			the proccess of picking out the parent part of the url would strip away the
			entire url and children would not return the correct SG
		if (this.stripIndexPartOfUrl(url) === structureGroups.Url) {
			return includeSelf ? [structureGroups] : [];
		const parentUrl = this.getParentUrl(url);

		// This will include itself
		const allSiblings = this.allChildren(structureGroups, parentUrl);

		// Remove the current sg (you are not your own sibling) unless flag is set
		const filterCondition = sg => includeSelf || sg.Url !== url;
		// If the url does not correspond to a strucutre group no siblings
		return allSiblings.filter(filterCondition);

	public allParents(structureGroups: any, url: string): any[] {
		const parentUrl = this.getParentUrl(url);
		const allParents = this.allSiblings(structureGroups, parentUrl, true);
		// The direct parent of the url that was passed in should contain a structure group with the same url that was passed in
		const directParent = allParents.find(sg => sg.Url === parentUrl) || {Items: []};
		const urlExists = directParent.Items.some(sg => sg.Url === url );
		return urlExists ? allParents : [];

	public directParent(structureGroups: any, url: string): any[] {
		const parentUrl = this.getParentUrl(url);
		const allParents = this.allSiblings(structureGroups, parentUrl, true);
		// The direct parent of the url that was passed in should contain a structure group with the same url that was passed in
		const directParent = allParents.find(sg => sg.Url === parentUrl);
		let parent = [];
		if (directParent) {
			// Check if the given URL exists in the parent SG.
			const urlExists = directParent.Items.some(sg => sg.Url === url );
			if (urlExists) {

		return parent;

result-matching ""

    No results matching ""