Methods |
constructor(util: UtilService, constants: ConstantsService, linkService: ComponentLinkService, document)
Parameters :
Private getBox | ||||||||||||
getBox(index: number, entity: any)
Gets the Highlighted Content boxes
Parameters :
Returns :
getImageMetaData | ||||||||||||||||
getImageMetaData(metaType: imageType, windowWidth: number, entity: any)
Gets metadata for images based on the browser window being in desktop or mobile view/breakpoint
Parameters :
Returns :
Private inDesktopView | ||||||||
inDesktopView(width: number)
Returns whether we are in desktop view or not
Parameters :
Returns :
parseJson | ||||||||
parseJson(entity: any)
Parses a Json-object and returns a typed object
Parameters :
Returns :
import { TopBannerData, HighLightedBox } from 'src/app/core/interfaces/interfaces.component';
import { UtilService } from 'src/app/core/services/util-service/util.service';
import { ConstantsService } from 'src/app/shared/constants/constants.service';
import { Injectable, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { ComponentLinkService } from 'src/app/core/services/component-link-service/component-link.service';
import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common';
type imageType = 'title' | 'alt';
export class TopBannerService {
private util: UtilService,
private constants: ConstantsService,
private linkService: ComponentLinkService,
@Inject(DOCUMENT) private document
) { }
* Parses a Json-object and returns a typed object
* @param {*} entity The Json to parse
* @returns {TopBannerData}
* @memberof TopBannerService
parseJson(entity: any): TopBannerData {
let boxes = this.util.extract(entity, 'HighlightedContentBoxModel') || [];
if (boxes.length > 3) {
boxes = boxes.slice(0, 3);
const currentWidth = window.innerWidth || this.document.documentElement.clientWidth;
const parsed: TopBannerData = {
introduction: this.util.extract(entity, 'Introduction'),
bannerImageUrl: encodeURI(this.util.extract(entity, 'BannerImage', 'Url') || ''),
imageAlt: this.getImageMetaData('alt', currentWidth, entity),
imageTitle: this.getImageMetaData('title', currentWidth, entity),
box1: this.getBox(0, entity),
box2: this.getBox(1, entity),
box3: this.getBox(2, entity),
mobileBannerImageUrl: encodeURI(this.util.extract(entity, 'MobileBannerImage', 'Url') || ''),
includeBreadcrumb: this.util.extract(entity, 'includeBreadcrumb'),
viewName: this.util.extract(entity, 'MvcData', 'ViewName')
return parsed;
* Gets metadata for images based on the browser window being
* in desktop or mobile view/breakpoint
* @param {imageType} metaType The type of metadata to get
* @param {number} windowWidth The width of the current window
* @param {*} entity The Json to parse
* @returns {string}
* @memberof TopBannerService
getImageMetaData(metaType: imageType, windowWidth: number, entity: any): string {
const inDesktopView = this.inDesktopView(windowWidth);
const imageToUse = inDesktopView ? 'BannerImage' : 'MobileBannerImage';
return this.util.extract(
metaType === 'title' ? 'Titlemm' : 'Cmsdescription'
) as string;
* Gets the Highlighted Content boxes
* @private
* @param {number} index The index for the list of boxes
* @param {*} entity The Json to parse
* @returns {HighLightedBox}
* @memberof TopBannerService
private getBox(index: number, entity: any): HighLightedBox {
const boxes = this.util.extract(entity, 'HighlightedContentBoxModel') || [];
const linkObject = this.util.extract(boxes[index], 'LinkTarget');
if (boxes.length > index) {
return {
description: this.util.extract(boxes[index], 'Description') || '',
link: this.linkService.parseLink(linkObject)
* Returns whether we are in desktop view or not
* @param {number} width The width of the window
* @returns {boolean}
* @memberof TopBannerService
private inDesktopView(width: number): boolean {
return width > this.constants.BOOTSTRAP_BREAKPOINTS.MD;