linkObject: any
Type : any
import { Component, Input, OnInit, Inject, HostBinding } from '@angular/core';
import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common';
import { ConstantsService } from 'src/app/shared/constants/constants.service';
import { UtilService } from 'src/app/core/services/util-service/util.service';
import { ComponentLinkService } from 'src/app/core/services/component-link-service/component-link.service';
import { Router, ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
interface RelatedSequence {
title: string;
icon: string;
linkObject: any;
linkTitle: string;
readMoreTitle: string;
active: boolean;
selector: 'div[related-links-sequence]',
templateUrl: './related-links-sequence-main.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./related-links-sequence-main.component.scss']
export class RelatedLinksSequenceMainComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() entity;
sequences = [];
@HostBinding('class') get class() { return 'col-md-12 space-between'; }
@Inject(DOCUMENT) private doc,
private constants: ConstantsService,
private util: UtilService,
private linkService: ComponentLinkService,
private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute
) { }
ngOnInit(): void {
const entities = this.util.extract(this.entity, 'Entities');
this.sequences = (entities ? entities : []).map(seq => this.resolveSequence(seq));
/** Get the position of a component based on its index. Used to switch placement in mobile view */
getOrder(index): string {
let classString = '';
// No classes on desktop view
if (this.inDesktopView()) {
return classString;
if (index <= 1) { // Regular order for first 2 elements
const direction = this.getDirectionClass(index, 0);
classString = `order-${index} ${direction}`;
} else {
const rowNumber = Math.floor(index / 2);
const direction = this.getDirectionClass(index, rowNumber);
const evenIndex = index % 2 === 0;
const evenRow = rowNumber % 2 === 0;
const oddAmountOfLinks = this.sequences.length % 2 !== 0;
/** Flip order of elements on odd rows
* Even index + odd row number -> increase order by 1
* Odd index + odd row number -> decrease order by 1
if (index > 1 && evenIndex && !evenRow) {
classString = `order-${index + 1} ${direction}`;
} else if (index > 1 && !evenIndex && !evenRow) {
classString = `order-${index - 1} ${direction}`;
} else {
classString = `order-${index} ${direction}`;
// Set last item to 100% width if there are odd number of links
if (index === this.sequences.length - 1 && oddAmountOfLinks) {
classString += ' w-100';
return classString;
/** Get class for direction of arrow */
getDirectionClass(index, rowNumber): string {
// Last item should have no arrow
if (index === this.sequences.length - 1) { return ''; }
const evenIndex = index % 2 === 0;
const evenRow = rowNumber % 2 === 0;
* Even index + even row number -> right arrow.
* Even index + odd row number -> left arrow.
* Odd index + even row number -> right down arrow
* Odd index + odd row number -> left down arrow
if (evenIndex) {
return evenRow ? 'right-arrow' : 'left-arrow';
} else {
return evenRow ? 'right-down-arrow' : 'left-down-arrow';
private resolveSequence(sequence): RelatedSequence {
const linkObject = this.util.extract(sequence, 'LinkTargets', [0]);
const linkUrl = this.linkService.getUrl(linkObject);
return {
title: this.util.extract(sequence, 'Title'),
icon: this.util.extract(sequence, 'Icon'),
linkObject: linkObject,
linkTitle: this.linkService.getTitle(linkObject),
readMoreTitle: this.util.extract(sequence, 'ReadMoreLinkTitle'),
active: linkUrl === `/${this.activatedRoute.snapshot.url.join('/')}`
/** Check if on desktop screen width */
inDesktopView(): boolean {
return (window.innerWidth || this.doc.documentElement.clientWidth) > this.constants.BOOTSTRAP_BREAKPOINTS.LG;
/** Check if on mobile screen width */
inMobileView(): boolean {
return (window.innerWidth || this.doc.documentElement.clientWidth) < this.constants.BOOTSTRAP_BREAKPOINTS.MD;